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Sex game: “Pulling some fairy tail”. The young wizard named Haven Ironwood has recently joined the Fiore Guild of the strongest wizards. He wants to become even stronger in order to impress the girl Mirajane Strauss, whom he has loved for many years. But, until the guy has achieved success, he can only admire the image of the beautiful Mirajane and masturbate while looking at her. Wanting to help Haven, the kind Panther Lily, offered to train with other mages of the guild, gave him a potion that restores strength, and sent him to the sexy blonde Lucy. After training, Haven suggested that Lucy restore her magical energy with a potion. The drink, on the girl, acted excitingly, she wanted sex and, getting on her knees, began to give Haven a blowjob. It turned out that the potion has a side effect, it acts as an aphrodisiac on girls. The potion not only restores strength, but also helps to fuck women.

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