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Sex game: “Legend of Zelda four sluts”. Famous hero Link, defeated the evil Vaati and saved his native land of Hyrule. The next day he went to the castle to Princess Zelda, to be knighted. After the dedication, the Princess accidentally broke the magic sword, and divided into four personalities. To prevent evil and chaos that can cause four slutty bitches, Link turned for help to the Great Fairy of Flame. He learned, that would return everything as it was, must find, seduce all four of Zeldas, and lead them to the Fairy Flame, then she will be able to reforge the sword. Link goes in search of the girls, who were scattered throughout the Kingdom. Naughty girls do not want to return, what would persuade them to return, it is necessary to every well-to fuck. Horny girls loves to fuck and suck dick, so that there will be no problems. Link is ready to shove his dick in any intimate hole, just to save the kingdom of Hyrule.

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