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Porn game: “Magic Book 4 Halloween Special”. Two friends, Tommy Harrison, president of the school chess club and Justine Kim, a foreign student from South Korea thoroughly prepared for Halloween, decorated the room and made costumes. However, to the Halloween party, to them no one came. But Sherman, the happy owner of a magic book, did not forget his friends. Sherman came to visit not one, with him was his new girlfriend Kimberly and personal sex slave principal Monroe, which he recently bewitched. With the help of a magic book, the Sherman could work miracles, he increased the cocks of his friends, and gave Mrs Monroe at their disposal, what would guys have a good time with sexy bitch. And while Tommy and Justine carefully fucked principal Monroe in the mouth and other intimate hole, Sherman is to fuck his horny girlfriend, turning with the help of magic book, in various mystical characters. Party at Halloween was a success, all were satisfied.

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