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Sex flash game: “Red riding hood and gloomy forest”. A girl nicknamed little Red riding Hood went to her grandmother. The path was not easy, through a big, gloomy forest, and of course the girl to get lost. Fortunately, she met Robin hood, he promised to help find his way to the grandmother in exchange for sexual favors. Little red riding Hood agreed to do Robin pleasantly and began to caress his cock, her big Tits. Robin successfully cum on face the cute girl and fled in an unknown direction. Deceived the girl to get out of the woods, had to rely on a miracle. A miracle happened, to her aid came wood elf, and for a good blowjob has agreed to deliver the girl to the grandmother. Carefully sucked dick elf, Red Riding Hood, finally got to her grandmother. But there was not all right, the evil wolf has captured grandma and threatens to kill everyone. Little red riding Hood showed ingenuity, and that the wolf didn’t eat them, offered him their sexual services. Wolf gladly fucked good girl. Thus, a girl, sacrificing its intimate hole, saved the lives of myself and grandma, and also got a lot of fun.

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