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Sex game: “Scar-Hoo: The big amazonian smut”. A guy named Mamoru is engaged in archery at school and after he was lucky enough to accidentally have sex with a Hitomi girl, thoughts of her mouth-watering tits do not leave him. To become stronger and win the heart of Hitomi, Mamoru, on the advice of a teacher, goes to train on the Muscle Island. After long wanderings through the water expanses, when fresh water supplies were running out, the guy reached the island, but as it turned out, the island was not the one he was looking for. The island was inhabited by warlike women and diligently defended their land from outsiders. To stay alive, Mamoru must show his archery skills. Help the guy, shooting with an arrow, to score the necessary number of points to neutralize an aggressive woman and then, as a winner, Mamoru can demand from her whatever he wants.
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