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Flash game for adults: “Belle True Story”. One summer, our heroine, beautiful, went to the forest to pick mushrooms, and got lost. When it became dark, the girl began to worry, she was scared, was rumored to know that in this forest is a ghost house where the devil lives. Suddenly, the trees parted and she saw the same house, about which have heard in his village. Hoping to find help, the girl went inside the house and met a terrible monster, who long have not had sex, and he would not mind, have fun. Monster offered a deal if she dances well, he let her go home, but if not, it would have to entertain lustful monster. The poor girl did not pass the test. Horny monster led beautiful girl to the basement and started his lecherous games. First, he thoroughly licked shaved pussy sexual women, and then proceeded to fuck in various poses, his insatiable by a dick. So, going into the woods for mushrooms, the girl found adventure on his pretty ass.

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