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Adult flash game: “Diva Mizuki portal”. Sexy girl named Mizuki, mysteriously teleported out of his home in an unfamiliar place. After talking to the computer, whose name Caim, Mizuki finds out that he was in a secret underground laboratory, where testing is carried out cum-gun, which will be used for the colonization of space, and it is the best candidate that would test it in practice. She set the conditions that would have to return home you have to pass all 10 levels, so that there is no choice, put on special clothes, take a cum-pistol and forth to the test. At each level is given a certain time, so do not delay, choose from the wall appeared a naked girl and using the mouse to fuck some boobs, some in the mouth, and some even have to fuck in the ass. Good luck to you in the trials cum-gun.

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