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Porno game: “Laetitia”. Sexy and famous photo model, Laetitia was involved in a traffic accident. Far out of town, driving a luxury car, she ran over a broken bottle and as a result, the car had two punctured wheels. A driver passing by offered his help, but in response he heard only insults. Laetitia had already called a tow truck and did not want to communicate with anyone. The offended driver, named John, decided to teach the ill-mannered girl a lesson in politeness. Now Laetitia will have to compensate the guy for moral harm with sex. Since no one could help her in the deep forest, the girl did not resist, she dutifully sucked a driver’s cock and endured steadily when he fucked her in the ass. And so John had fun with the defenseless Laetitia, until the tow truck arrived …

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